NJ-SP Meal Information
- Breakfast
- EL & HS Breakfast: $ 1.60
- EL & HS Reduced Breakfast: $0.30
- Lunch
- EL Lunch: $ 2.50
- HS Lunch: $ 2.70
- EL & HS Reduced Lunch $0.40
- Adult Prices
- Adult Breakfast - $2.50
- Adult Lunch - $4.60
School Breakfast Program
School meals are intended to "safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation's children.” Participating schools must serve breakfasts that are consistent with the applicable recommendations of the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans including: eat a variety of foods; choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits; choose a diet moderate in sugars and salt; and choose a diet with 30% or less of calories from fat and less than 10% of calories from saturated fat. In addition, breakfasts must provide, on average over each school week, at least 1/4th of the daily Recommended Dietary Allowances for protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C. The choice of what specific foods are served and how they are prepared and presented are made by local schools.
Under the Traditional Food-Based Menu Planning Approach, schools must comply with specific component and quantity requirements by offering four food items from the following food components: vegetables and/or fruits; milk; and two servings of meat/meat alternate, two servings of grains/breads OR one serving of each of these components. Minimum portion sizes are established by ages and grade groups. Any child may purchase a meal thru the School Breakfast Program or they may be eligible for free or reduced breakfast.
Research has shown that starting the day with nutritious breakfast helps students stay alert and perform better in school. Information on the operation of the School Breakfast Program and all the Child Nutrition Programs may be found on the web site www.fns.usda.gov/cnd, select “Contact Us” then select “Child Nutrition Programs."
Understanding the Lunch Line: A Parent's Guide